1. Date: 4 October 2013
Location: Discovery Bay, Lantau.
Species: Carcinoscorpius
Sex: Female
Prosoma width: 15 cms
Body length: 32 cms.
2. Date: 4 October 2013
Location: Nim Shue Wan, Lantau.
Species: Carcinoscorpius
Sex: Female
Prosoma width: 14 cms
Body length: 19 cms
3. Date: 4 October 2013
Location: Nim Shue Wan, Lantau.
Species: Carcinoscorpius
Sex: Female
Prosoma width: 13 cms
Body length: 28 cms
4. Date: 4 October 2013
Location: Nim Shue Wan, Lantau.
Species: Carcinoscorpius
Sex: Male (upper right hand corner)
Prosoma width: 11 cms
Body length: 23 cms
Comment: Caught by local fisherman. Note the abundant
epifauna on 3 of the specimens, suggesting extended periods of living in sea
water conditions. Specimens in estuarine areas in Hong Kong usually do not exhibit such rich
epifaunal growths.